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Showing posts from July, 2016

An Angel's Plight

AN ANGEL'S PLIGHT Racing through, headlong into the darkness, No reason to lighten the heavy brow. Encompassed by noise, disease and madness, While in unsteady hands lies a stretched bow. Though I am sure to miss the devil's mark, I'm obsessed with a burning desire To let go, let my arrow pierce the shark And watch the villainous world burn in fire. Pause! take a moment and let me restrain This hand chiseled in the Almighty's name. Must I sin and have my wings plucked in vain Only to play the devil at his game? Racing through, headlong into the darkness, A heart yearning for rays of forgiveness. - Maryam Kaleem


DROUGHT There is no use, whining and complaining. You do not hear our meek, feeble voices. While you dance and rejoice in cool cascades, Burnt, barren - I lay on the blazing sand. Last summer did I harrow through the dirt, Digging deeper into my six feet pit, Sowing kernels I will never watch bloom - A meagre inheritance for my son What use is it now to keep that scarecrow? No yield remains for birds to snatch and steal. I have stood with my arms outstretched, waiting To be but denied by God's scavengers. So let me stand before this pleasant noose - A fertile ring against desolation. - Maryam Kaleem A late upload - dedicated to those farmers who have suffered due to the drought in recent years. Monsoon is here now, Alhamdulillah. I pray it rains enough. I pray our farmers live a happy, prosperous life. I pray they escape persecution. I pray they never have to take such drastic steps to have their voice heard.