I pray to God you never know,
My prayers are never answered though.
The winter's dark and dreary here,
All that's wicked is masked with snow.
See you yonder a man so queer
Who wanders far when death is near?
Is that the Reaper on the lake,
From whom I've fled all through the year?
With frightful fear I sit and shake,
I pray my errors you do sweep,
And flee this winter's frost and flake!
Hurry now, child, into the deep,
Glance not behind, my promise keep.
Shelter find and a place to sleep
While with God's angels must I sleep.
- Maryam Kaleem
If you find the poem vaguely familiar, it's because I've used the end-rhymes from the famous poem 'Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening' by Robert Frost, and have re-written the rest of the poem. This was a fun experiment. Hope you like it!
Find the original poem here: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems-and-poets/poems/detail/42891
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