A glorious passion unknown to me,
Of valour, of courage, silenced today,
When a holy force plunged, battled away
The scarlet monuments of history.
Then unfurled the golden wings of victory
And opened gates of jewels, spoils to stay,
A spirit rising, flying to its sway
To meet the host of godly company.
Stabbed and wounded the body now remains
A son, brother, father, fallen again
And I complain of Time slipping away!
May the banner fly as high as those wings
May it envelop the world in its care
And may a martyr never die in vain!
- Maryam Kaleem
The Battle of Mu'tah was fought in 629 AD (8th year after Hijrah), between the Muslims and the Eastern Roman Empire. The battle is remembered among Muslims for the bravery and courage of the martyrs, most notably, that of Zayd bin Haritha, Abdullah bin Rawaha and Ja'far bin Abi Talib (May Allah be pleased with them).
Ja'far lost both of his arms in battle, but continued to fight and held up the banner until his last moments. For this, he is fondly remembered as "The Flying Ja'far" or "Ja'far with the Two Wings", for it is believed Allah Almighty replaced his arms with wings, allowing him to fly freely in Paradise.
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