An august procession of the kingdom's riches,
Elephants, camels, cows and dogs
Marching in a strict order of ambling lines
To the right of the barracks,
Or to the far left of the the nurse's tent,
Or right in the middle of the battlefield -
Where the two armies meet,
Dressed in full armour,
With helm and horn,
White gauntlets charmed against
The Witch's Sun,
Robes to cover every inch of skin from his poison
And a visor to screen the soulful eyes
From the wretched workings of the enemy.
Flags and banners fly proudly high,
Horns blow wildly and raise furore
(And so do the bells of the bulls
As they march by.)
But spirits rise higher still!
Bold knights willing to breach their lines,
Break free from regiments and rush
To a martyr's noble, honored fate.
And some of sturdier metal
Stand their ground and await
The King's orders
(For perhaps a khaki clad ambush
Lies in wait ahead.)
Had this foresight but been
In the lancers' minds -
Six brave soldiers would still have stood
To fight in His Majesty's name!
Had only such valour and zeal
Visited the cowardly steeds who
Tremble visibly ahead,
Whose riders fumble and fail to ignite
In them that same courage
As the vast multitudes behind them possess!
(Their old steeds take a few too many
Kicks to get going)
Tax the brutes for having polluted the morale!
Away! Away with such paltry thoughts,
They deserve not to be dwelled on.
For the Majesty's bugle is rung -
Loud echo the valleys of this blessed land!
The green flags unfurl, the army in motion geared,
And an eerie war-cry is chanted by all!
And armies collide -
Silver weapons clash into a flood of chaos,
No soul lies empty of dauntless will!
Divine grace extends its glorious Might,
Speed and muscle unite,
And the land lays conquered
Bowing to the King's mighty throne.
Centuries pass and history is remembered still,
Sons of those brave knights kneel
And observe their sacred rites
To ignite the same valour of the past.
And a proud pillar marks the holy site,
Honouring the courage of both sides.
On the stroke of the hour, from red to green
Unfurl the flags once more
Flying proudly in the wind!
May history breathe in all its might!
- Maryam Kaleem
Change the title and order of the blog post